If you are looking for a new show, “The Chosen” has released their first season and it’s free right now! This touching series brings Jesus and His disciples to life before our very eyes. I have been moved to tears many times as I imagine what it must have been like for them to witness His kindness and goodness. What it will be like to one day see Him face-to-face.

The first two episodes may not be suitable for younger viewers so if your family includes children under twelve, I suggest watching those separately.

Otherwise, cuddle up on the couch together and watch the gospels come alive! Is there a better way to spend a few hours as we prepare to celebrate Easter this weekend?

Click here to access their website and all the details!

2 responses to “Want to watch Jesus come to life?”

  1. What does it mean to “repent”? – Heidi Jones Avatar

    […] There’s a lot more on this in the Bible and every other topic you can imagine. I encourage you to spend time in the New Testament to get to know Jesus better. If you would prefer to watch Him come to life through media – click here for a tv series about His life called “The Chosen”. […]


  2. What does love look like? – Heidi Jones Avatar

    […] Want to see a portrayal of Christ’s love for us? Click here. […]


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